Prompt 24

A. Pick two images from any of the “constructed reality” photographers presented in class or linked on the assignment sheet. Describe how you could recreate these two images on a “smaller scale”.

I really enjoyed "Throne of Aphrodite" that Lauren posted and "Voodoo Queens" by Nina Chakrabarti.
I could recreate these images on smaller scales, first by using Voodoo Queens as an influence. I could take portraits of friends and family and do designs on their faces digitally, yet have the designs relate to the kind of person the subject is. To recreate the Throne of Aphrodite, I could create make a little chair out of candy and use other colorful candy to create the colorful surroundings.

B. Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.

"A way I could create a series of photographic images is to take a topic such as childhood dream jobs and create multiple pictures to express the subject. I could create scenes in which would represent the multiple stereotypical jobs that a child would dream of doing: Teacher, Astronaut, Artist, Veterinarian, Policeman, and etc. 

If I could combine any other media with my photography, I would incorporate digital drawing. Since drawing is my hobby and passion, I feel it would be important to use this project to show the differences between the expressive qualities of drawing and the more realistic qualities of photography. I would use the idea I mentioned in Part A. "

Gathering a few friends and asking them about their childhood "dream jobs", I could use those friends as subjects and photograph them. Using photoshop and other pictures I take, I can combine them into the proper job setting. Then I can digitally draw in the rest of the project to create a scene in which the subject's childhood dream job is played out visually.

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